My Dearest Aubergine,
I write to you today - in constant hopes that you are safe and well - with my faithful report to you, and to all of The Thorning Purple, of those things of my own observances as well as that of a small group of those who have made it safely (and undetected) to The Conscious Green.
The group was led to me by one of our own and consisted of a small number of Untriggered Rogue who were very familiar to my delighted eyes, an even smaller number of strange and terrified, young, hybrids. Once put to the test, I ascertained that all of these have gone Stone.
Their leader was our Elemental, Jewels, who spoke to me then of the collective minds of the Elementals who remain as yet undecided. Thus she spoke:
“We now call it The Sign: a slight cocking to the side of the head. This remains permanent. It used to be that we oftentimes mistook for a shoulder being lifted and kept raised a little bit higher than the other, or sometimes, seemingly, held a little further back from the neck to one side or the other. And noticeably so, as though: from one’s having slept wrong; a bit of a stiff neck. This side-effect increased, growing into a twitch of sorts, or a tic perhaps: a sharp but slight turn or jerk of the head to the left… always to the left… as though they had heard someone calling their name; as that of having heard a strange sound; as that of one who has been listening for their baby to cry after waking from the nap; or as though they were hearing that their dog was yelping from a slight pain.
We soon learned that, once this begins, there is no longer any hope for that person. Soon everything will begin to lose luster for them. All propensity toward intuition will then, in itself, become the cold, hard, logic, of stimulus seeking behavior. In other words, that person will become angry. Very angry. And it is at this point that they become, to us, something less than the poor pathetic creatures we first thought them to be. It is at this point that they are referred to as Rogue. Once this begins we avoid them at all cost.”
The Elemental continued, “Once it begins, that thrumming… even ever so slightly, only Rogue babies make the cry and all of the dogs do experience pain. It sounds to all Elementals as that of a sweet, dearling, voice, and calling to us - as though someone or something lovely is calling our name and also it appears a pleasant thing to The Thorning Purple. It signals Rogue, (the Fully Passed), to go mad and attack. And it works in other ways than these. It is a strange, under the grid sound, that is inaudible to all but the fully Wild, but a thing that triggers all those whose infant bodies have been Fully Passed, (or generationally danced Widdershins) somewhere within the ether places of that body’s brain matter, into a particular, killing, madness.
“In histories past, some knew this alignment was coming and the histories of these some… we studied. For their understanding of these future events, which we refer to as what has become our ‘now’, they were burned. Burned alive, down through the ages. They were instructed by their astrologers and by early physics and they learned from the calendars of old, these mothers, these midwives, these ‘wise women’. Despite the threat of burning, these some exposed their babes to each vibrational tweak offered by each planetary alignment during certain moon phases, never to miss a one. Every of these mothers fine-tuned their babes Widdershins down through the ages, holding them high as they danced their babes into the elements that their fires sang out in the night. For, when the fires Widdershins sing, the common element collides with the uncommon and at this particular last alignment, what new element emerges - is Rogue.
“We studied all of the alignments down through the ages and we conferred with some of those who followed their gods who, as it turns out, were in great error concerning this last planetary alignment. We conferred with these for, their beliefs may be in error, but their statistical information is not. We are all in agreement that the last planetary alignment burst into existence - a hue of visible light, which emits a vibration that is analogous to a musical scale in which there are notes higher than Rogue can hear and other notes lower than Rogue can hear.
Those of our hybrids that have gone the Widderstone, as have many Untriggered Rogue, are gifted by this course of action with the ability to then hear this vibration, and also to gain the ability to see those colors of light, which the last alignment has broken, or separated, into things, which were to them beforehand … unseen… unheard.
The Triggered Rogue are born damaged, and lacking the ability to see this fractal color. They also lack the physical capability to hear any part of the sound of that scale due to their hosts having Fully Passed them through each alignment.
We have learned of a certain, that hybrids are those born of parents whose ancestors had completely Passed their offspring, but did not Fully Pass them. Those whose parents of old participated on the maternal, ancestral sides, but whose paternal ancestors refused involvement: these produced the hybrids who, although born lacking these audio/visual perceptions may choose to be gifted with them. They may choose to Go Stone.”
Mother Aubergine, the group also brought to me a very great prize… they brought to me a Breeder, a large male, whom they had captured while unawares during his toilette. They led him to me, bound, by a leaden cord about his neck, and had properly bound him with the same - around the wrists, thighs, each ankle, and each large toe. They had plugged his ears and eyes with wax, and he was effectively gagged.
I have him here, now, in containment and this one I study most zealously. Following, are my personal notes and conclusions of all information I have, as yet, been able to extract from him as well as my own thoughts and findings and notes.
As my study continues, I find that the psychopathy of those who lack these perceptions, Rogue in point of fact, represent perhaps the most serious and morbidly fascinating image of criminality. They commit horrific acts of violence and indulge in strange and perverted acts with their victims.
Although, as a Psychologist I am self-taught, it contradicts my own will that I am forced to study the science of the evils of Rogue behavior and mental processes. However, study of this evil being a matter of life and death for all of my Purple ones, study it I will.
My research shows that Rogue commit a sexually motivated “subtype” of sexual homicide. Everything they do is sexually motivated. Sexual arousal is connected to their victim’s pain and humiliation and in this way they are distinguished from the mass murderers and spree killers of old. Sexual arousal from the physical suffering, humiliation, or control of a victim is central to Rogue psychology. There’s an absolute need to control another, weaker human being, and great sexual satisfaction is derived from this act. This is a compulsion.
Rogue compulsion is like a burning and irresistible need, driving them to do whatever it is that they need to do. When they finally do it, they feel an intense, almost-orgasmic sense of relief.
The murderous act is therefore, experienced as an act of release, which is pleasurable. Breeders therefore reinforce all prior sequences of ‘training events’ that make its repetition likely. This information is powerful and very interesting.
Another point, which the Breeder pointed out to me and one that I find, not only most interesting but most beneficial is, that no Rogue benefits from support, counseling or therapy. In fact they retain the information and use it to better conform to humanity because of it!
Research using brain scanning technology has revealed that the Rogue brain functions and processes information differently. They can remain calm looking at photos of dead bodies in automobile accidents where as humans are clearly upset. They don’t use their brain the way humans do. They are physically different from humans.
I have calculated that, so far, between 60 million and 107 million of our Widderwomen are missing worldwide, which at first, the authorities put down to a thing they called Intimate Terrorism. I have written a letter to one of ours who sat as Judge between myself and my One, the King, before we understood what had actually happened… while we still held hope…which copy I will enclose at my next writing, and send to you via one of our usual couriers.
According to my data, it became clear that the risk of physical harm and death, what the Rogue Courts (when there were still Courts at all – called them “Disappearances”) are highest when the perpetrator is male and the victim is female. While the use of weapons will equalize size and strength differences, the victims of Rogue homicides are still overwhelmingly female.
I have pinpointed many differences in Rogue character, which all of the Thorning Purple find very useful in the identification of those that have replicated. Some of these differences are very slight and some, as I am in the process of documenting, are much more noticeable. All require our vigilant attention as; IDENTIFICATION IMPEDES INFILTRATION!!!
Some slight, but identifiable differences in the males are:
1. Those who can be described as insecure.
2. Those who have an unhealthy dependence on the women in their life.
3. Those who we’ve known before the alignment who, against their former natures, now become angry very quickly… very quickly.
4. Those who we’ve either never known or who we knew to a lesser degree, whose anger tends to be less focused and chronic.
5. Those who are unlikely to let go from a fight.
6. Those who absolutely refuse to admit blame.
The more noticeable differences are:
1. Those who are very methodical and purposeful about inflicting violence.
2. Those who see violence as a natural part of life.
This group interests me the most as, they tend not to display the physiological reactivity usually seen in heightened emotional states.
MRI’s show that, when fully Passed, certain sections of the brain were damaged by the alignment and now, they can only imagine emotions. These IMAGINED emotions are inclusive of but not limited to:
1. Depression;
2. Love;
3. Joy;
4. Peace;
5. Fear.
However, they do retain the memories of these emotions and they have become very adept at counterfeiting them.
Because of this damage to the areas of the brain (noted) a person who has gone Rogue or, male and female alike, is in the process of turning, nothing stops them from pursuing their goals. Nothing.
Lacking the physical capacity to maintain these human traits of emotion, we conclude that they can no longer be considered human.
Another point of great interest in my research of Rogue is that although these beings are able only to remember anxiety, to remember nervousness, to remember sympathy, empathy, and love… they have the ability to install into the minds of others those things that they are no longer able to feel themselves… and this I investigate with most curiosity.
The only emotion they are able to actually feel is anger. Anger can get hold of them. And they… can get hold of anger.
In this new, or rather, extended level of anger they also lack the ability to feel defeat. They can only remember feeling defeat.
They either have already been trained, or are now being trained by their Breeders, to overcome their thoughts of defeat by pretending to act defeated, without ever really having believed that they are defeated to begin with. In such ways as these do their Breeders endeavor to teach them to avoid our detection.
In the same sense and the same ways in which they are not able to feel defeat, neither are they able to actually become depressed, they can only pretend to be depressed and this is a ploy that they often use to gain the benefit of the doubt by those they wish to capture.
According to my captive Breeder, no wrongful act makes them feel nervous. Ever. And this is another means of avoiding giving themselves away by their lies: they cannot become nervous, even if they try. The only emotions they are physically able to feel are those of anger, rage and frustration and the desire to win which, when lacking emotion, becomes nothing else than a very pure form of logic. What this means is that they lack mercy, and every other emotion pertaining to mercy or any merciful thing.
Most dangerous.
My research shows that they can still feel physical pain, however, and they do still react to it. Whether this reaction is permanent I do not yet know. If this becomes temporary the Breeders will teach them to pretend to react to whatever things should cause pain – were they still human.
What all of The Thorning Purple know is that after the alignment both of these groups of interest became highly criminal; and highly violent. They stayed under the radar; based on memories of individual differences in temperament, personal tastes, likes, and dislikes, and preferences in general. Those Rogue that had not been Fully Passed, either remained Untriggered by the Breeders after the last alignment or were more often the sort that stayed at the White Collar end of the violence. Those who were Fully Passed, went Rogue and from the completion of the last alignment on, choose to go clear-cut criminal and violent.
Two Rogue hallmarks are their smooth presentation and charm. They’re not easily embarrassed or even mildly self-conscious. They’re calm in social situations because they couldn’t care less about what other people think of them. Sometimes, they come off as if they’re the hottest things since sliced bread and, since there is no longer any such thing as sliced bread, this makes them all the more full of themselves. And so, they see every other being as inferior and as easy prey. They lie, cheat, and manipulate to gain access to Stronghold by first gaining access to our Encampments and then, straight on through to Inner Temple.
From Inner Temple, there now remain only two exits, Aubergine, one leads to Widderstone and the other to Darken.
Rogue don’t feel remorseful or guilty for any of their transgressions thus they do all of these things with a coldness of heart. They are extremely ruthless and possess no empathy for the suffering of others.
My captive Breeder admitted, under one of his many points of extreme duress that I have discovered, that they actually teach Rogue, by the use of mirrors, to practice imitating the facial expressions and the reactions that The Thorning Purple expect them to have! Unbelievable. He reported, I believe correctly, that this is the only way they are able to effectively fake the emotions in order to camouflage their ulterior motives of gaining access. Upon this Breeder’s confession, I may now rule out the human concept of simple curiosity because, according to his report, the function of curiosity was also lost to Rogue upon the completion of the last alignment.
This Breeder is of particular interest to me as, he was of their elite: he is a scientist, a physicist to be exact, and I have very high hopes of extracting more information from him in his very near, and/or very short, future.
He said that they began by studying the brain as a whole organism; as a whole organ. This study narrowed to a specific study of the Orbital Cortex. Their findings are that the OC is inactive in Rogue. The following is a narrative of his report to me:
“The orbital cortex is that part of the prefrontal cortex that is positioned directly over the orbits or eye sockets. It is located at the base of the frontal lobe.” And he drew illustrations to show the exact places he was referring to. Upon further encouragement from me, he spoke in layman’s terms as best he could.
“This illustration is that of the lateral cortical surface of the hemisphere and some underlying subcortical structures such as the corpus callosum, the white matter bundle connecting the left and right hemispheres, the basal ganglia, thalamus, hippocampus (a memory-related cortical structure in the temporal lobe) amygdala… interacting circuits of loops in the brain which control thought, emotion, muscles, glands, and automonics. This allows normal beings to interact with the environment, other people and in social groups.”
These are the means for the cognitive, thinking brain to communicate with the emotional brain.
“The cortical part of the hemisphere is subdivided into four lobes, the temporal, occipital, parietal, and frontal lobes. The frontal lobe is subdivided into the motor cortex for executing movements the premotor cortex for the planning of movements, and the prefrontal cortex for planning, will, executive/short-term memory, personality and a myriad of other complex adaptive behaviors. The prefrontal cortex in s subdivided into around a dozen sub regions.
“The orbital cortex, among other things, is involved in social interactions, inhibition of impulsive behavior, ethics, morality, reward and punishment, regret, and projection of future outcomes based on implied expectations of planned near term actions. Grossly damaged, circuitry connecting these areas with each other and with several key regions are either interrupted by mechanical or toxic damage or deregulated by several endogenous factors. Abnormal neurotransmitter systems, stress hormones, and other gene products that blossom prior to their own birth and childhood due to ancient Passings in their ancestries, only manifest themselves with later neural and endocrine development and the inevitable environmental challenges of being Fully Passed themselves.
“Orbital cortex: involved in the regulation of many social functions, which include what we commonly call ethics and morality. It inhibits behavior and also controls aggression and violence, as well as appetitive behaviors like eating drinking, sex, and other acts prone to addiction and abuse. It is broadly damaged during Passing, especially in both hemispheres, and behavior is variably become immoral, unethical, antisocial, and or criminal.
The delayed trajectory of these ancestral Passings, lead to these persistent Rogue behaviors.
He continued, “In addition to the core involvement of the orbital cortex, other brain areas also have been implicated in numerous neurological and imaging studies of violent, aggressive, and impulsive behaviors in all forms of pre-alignment humanoids. These include the frontal pole, ventromedial prefrontal cortex, bentral anterior cingulated cortex and the anteromedial temporal lobe structures such as the amygdala temporal tip, anterior parahippocampal gyrus and hippocampal areas of the brains.
“Our study subjects and controls now include: the EverTame; the fully Wild; the Tame Yet to Go Ferel; Triggered Rogue; Untriggered Rogue; Elementals; exElementals; what The Purple refer to as, the Loathsome Fringe; the Troth-Plight; Shuai-jan; and the captive Purple who are Fully Wild, as well.
“Simple explanation and most common finding for the differences of biological basis between Rogue pathology and that of the rest of our subjects is that Rogue pathology shows especial association with impulsive and violent behavior and what we find is that every Rogue individual, without exception, has incurred significant damage to the orbital cortex and adjacent parts of the prefrontal and anterior temporal lobe.
“Dysfunction of the orbital cortex bilaterally is strongly associated with impulsive and aggressive behavior and with violent Rogue pathology because the last alignment has damaged the Orbital Cortex. These areas of the brain have been compromised by the alignment and adjacent ventral cortices are also involved to one degree or another.
“We found differences in the brain surfaces of Rogue adults and Rogue children. The surfaces are smooth are smooth, including those over the O.C. and the anterior temporal lobe in a young Rogue. However, the adult Rogue lobes and cortex show pitted surfaces, indicating a reduction of loss of function as they age.
“In all Rogue, there is great contrast in those cortical systems involved in “cold cognition” (cognition having to do with the cold facts and not impacted to any great degree by emotion, but also aspects of self as ego) and hot cognition having to do more with emotion, emotional memory, impulsiveness, passion, and social intercourse and so, as they age; gain experience, their neurological disorders involving judgment, emotion, thought and social interactions, affect their culpability and our treatment of all Rogue.
“We also find that skin tests are absolutely ineffective in the Triggered Rogue and so passing a lie detector works for them as opposed to that of The Purple and the Untriggered Rogue. D2 dopamine receptor gene variant C957T affects Rogue fear conditioning and aversive priming.
CONCLUSIONS: The TawI-A of the ANKK1 gene and the C957T of the DRD2 gene are epistatically associated with Rogue traits in alcohol-dependent patients.
BACKGROUND: Striatum; the corpus striatum, comprised of the caudate, putamen, and globus pallidus, plays an important role in reward processing and may be involved in the pathophysiology of antisocial behavior. My studies have been few as far as exploring whether differences are present in the striatum of antisocial individuals. Here, I examine the structure of the striatum in relation to Rogue pathology.
“Subjects underwent structural magnetic resonance imaging. Volumes of the left and right lenticular nucleus (putamen and globus pallidus), caudate head, and caudate body were assessed and the Rogue and control group were compared.
RESULTS: Rogue showed a 9.6% increase in striatum volumes. Analyses of subfactors in Rogue revealed that caudate body volumes were primarily associated with the interpersonal and affective features of Rogue, while caudate head volumes were primarily associated with the impulsive, stimulation seeking features.
CONCLUSIONS: These findings provide new evidence for differences in the striatum of Rogue individuals. This structural difference may partially underlie the reward seeking and decision-making deficits associated with Rogue.
I realize this has been lengthy and somewhat sparse information. However, I will close for now, as our courier must be on his way immediately. I know you understand the implications behind any delay. Until we meet again, do know that I send my most White Thoughts to you.
Stay hidden, stay safe.
With much love to you,
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Monday, November 28, 2011
Winston Churchill said: You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves.
I am Purple Van Winkle and I am a Wild Human.
We are terribly hard but we are as friendly as you will allow us to be. There are some things you need to know about Wild Humans because we are more in number than we have caused you to be aware of and because, there is a war being fought all around you. Whether or not you perceive this, you are, of a certain, on one side or the other, for there is no middle ground. And we badly need you.
Take this to heart: Wild Humans do not start wars. Ever. We did not start this war. Rogue started this war. They should not have done it.
They struck while our defenses were down, we Wild; a reputable race of predictably good people living day to day, much the same as you. We never saw it coming.
They used the stratagem of elaborate and varied subterfuge. Small cells, each under the cover of it’s own, individual, ruse. Upon gaining our confidence, they gained access and then hit us by surprise. We never had a chance.
Before we were able to rally they attacked. They captured our Banners and Flags. They took our Gongs as booty. Out of our fear we quieted our own Drums and drenched our own fires in an attempt to keep from drawing their further attentions. While our eyes were still dazzled by the dying embers of our own blazes they infiltrated and, from within our own encampments, they ambushed under the cover of darkness. Their blood-lust was extreme. Beyond reason.
Although we understood that this was happening in other encampments, we were yet laid low when our naïveté of our own imminent danger was at its highest.
Rogue cloak themselves as replicas of Wild Humans and swear love and fidelity to us. They exude loyalty and protectiveness of us. Thus did they, and thus do they still, further infiltrate our strongholds. It is an act of genius, and of deception, and of a great evil.
One year ago I, myself, was laid low, very nearly too low and grievously wounded with injuries, some of which are permanent in nature, through the implementation of this method. My One, the King, thought to fell me in the initial onslaught.
I write to you from a safe place, protected and cared for by a small army of other Wild Humans and The Tame Gone Feral who will surround me with much strength until I recover as fully as I am able. This will take another two years. Until that time I have no choice but to fight in a different way. In order to hold the entangling ground we have recovered our forces must unceasingly fight. We must fight hard. We must fight well. We must never stop.
Rogue continue to press us until we submit to slavery in meekness only to then run over us, roughshod, in an attempt to break our will and destroy us completely. They offer no other terms. There are many other wounded, many who have fallen and many who are still thus held.
All who remain Human, Wild or Tame: This can never be. The will of the Wild Human enslaved or free, can never be broken. We may, many times, be laid very low but we can never be fully reclaimed by our oppressors for, the commonality of our DNA and that of those yet to go Feral differs from Rogue, Elementals, the EverTame and also, of those who sleep. Our genetic code rules that we are born warlike against thoughtless submission. Hence, it is not in us to surrender to domination or bow our heads to oppression.
Be advised that Rogue, our oppressors, are your oppressors also. They cloak themselves as replicas of yourselves and of your friends. They stay close at hand and remain quiet concerning their objective: the domination of all, alike. They rely on the natural strength of a position of a strong alliance with you. Whispered proposals to you of peace with us are unaccompanied by any sworn covenant with us – and only serve as indication of a plot to do us further harm from within our encampments.
Rogue are identifiable by a show of a supreme lack of intelligence. One sign of this severe lack is in beginning by bluster and afterwards by taking fright at our numbers. Look hard, make your calculations from your temples and identify them in your hearts but have a care… their method of warfare is based on deception and they are friend to no one.
Friends, Tame or Wild, you are The Garrison who slumber in the narrow passage of our escape. Where there is no Champion, we ask then for your underpinning.
We carefully study your well being at all times. We will not overtax you, hence, we ask you only for information at this time, our final objective being, to escape slaughter. We will not expose you. We will not attempt to marshal you. We place no restrictions on you because we know you are faithful and that you can be trusted.
Our main objective is to instill one standard of courage which all must reach. Therefore, friends: we commission you to incline your ear and then give of your voice; to be constantly on the qui vive in ascertaining our common foe’s attendants, their aids-di-camp, their door-keepers, their sentries, their modus operandi, and that you inform us of these things. Our only demand: Be subtle!
Be subtle!
You are The Garrison through which The Tame, still held in the bondage of much violence, will succor the victory of escape and of life itself, or suffer the defeat of injury and very literal death - by the strong hand of an exceeding persuasive oppressor.
We are great in our strengths and gaining in number. Those who shelter our soldiers, those who keep us well provisioned, those who support us, morally, financially, spiritually and in every thinkable way, are identifiable by insignia – a Purple ribbon worn on their baggage or on their persons.
Our soldiers; whether Humans Born Wild or the Tame Gone Feral, wear the insignia in their hair or sport a thin braid of hair, dyed Purple.
I am Purple Van Winkle and on behalf of my Sovereign I say…
To the Garrison: Sleepers Awake!; Closed eyes; Open! See!; Deaf ears; Hear!; Closed mouths; Grow tongues! Give word.
To the Tame: Go Feral.
To my Wild Humans and my Feral: Wear it as ever you will but take up the Purple.
To the slaves and prisoners: Escape them! Come to us! Do not go back!
To all: In War: Resolution. In Defeat: Defiance. In Victory: Magnanimity. In Peace: Good Will.
I am Purple Van Winkle and I am a Wild Human.
We are terribly hard but we are as friendly as you will allow us to be. There are some things you need to know about Wild Humans because we are more in number than we have caused you to be aware of and because, there is a war being fought all around you. Whether or not you perceive this, you are, of a certain, on one side or the other, for there is no middle ground. And we badly need you.
Take this to heart: Wild Humans do not start wars. Ever. We did not start this war. Rogue started this war. They should not have done it.
They struck while our defenses were down, we Wild; a reputable race of predictably good people living day to day, much the same as you. We never saw it coming.
They used the stratagem of elaborate and varied subterfuge. Small cells, each under the cover of it’s own, individual, ruse. Upon gaining our confidence, they gained access and then hit us by surprise. We never had a chance.
Before we were able to rally they attacked. They captured our Banners and Flags. They took our Gongs as booty. Out of our fear we quieted our own Drums and drenched our own fires in an attempt to keep from drawing their further attentions. While our eyes were still dazzled by the dying embers of our own blazes they infiltrated and, from within our own encampments, they ambushed under the cover of darkness. Their blood-lust was extreme. Beyond reason.
Although we understood that this was happening in other encampments, we were yet laid low when our naïveté of our own imminent danger was at its highest.
Rogue cloak themselves as replicas of Wild Humans and swear love and fidelity to us. They exude loyalty and protectiveness of us. Thus did they, and thus do they still, further infiltrate our strongholds. It is an act of genius, and of deception, and of a great evil.
One year ago I, myself, was laid low, very nearly too low and grievously wounded with injuries, some of which are permanent in nature, through the implementation of this method. My One, the King, thought to fell me in the initial onslaught.
I write to you from a safe place, protected and cared for by a small army of other Wild Humans and The Tame Gone Feral who will surround me with much strength until I recover as fully as I am able. This will take another two years. Until that time I have no choice but to fight in a different way. In order to hold the entangling ground we have recovered our forces must unceasingly fight. We must fight hard. We must fight well. We must never stop.
Rogue continue to press us until we submit to slavery in meekness only to then run over us, roughshod, in an attempt to break our will and destroy us completely. They offer no other terms. There are many other wounded, many who have fallen and many who are still thus held.
All who remain Human, Wild or Tame: This can never be. The will of the Wild Human enslaved or free, can never be broken. We may, many times, be laid very low but we can never be fully reclaimed by our oppressors for, the commonality of our DNA and that of those yet to go Feral differs from Rogue, Elementals, the EverTame and also, of those who sleep. Our genetic code rules that we are born warlike against thoughtless submission. Hence, it is not in us to surrender to domination or bow our heads to oppression.
Be advised that Rogue, our oppressors, are your oppressors also. They cloak themselves as replicas of yourselves and of your friends. They stay close at hand and remain quiet concerning their objective: the domination of all, alike. They rely on the natural strength of a position of a strong alliance with you. Whispered proposals to you of peace with us are unaccompanied by any sworn covenant with us – and only serve as indication of a plot to do us further harm from within our encampments.
Rogue are identifiable by a show of a supreme lack of intelligence. One sign of this severe lack is in beginning by bluster and afterwards by taking fright at our numbers. Look hard, make your calculations from your temples and identify them in your hearts but have a care… their method of warfare is based on deception and they are friend to no one.
Friends, Tame or Wild, you are The Garrison who slumber in the narrow passage of our escape. Where there is no Champion, we ask then for your underpinning.
We carefully study your well being at all times. We will not overtax you, hence, we ask you only for information at this time, our final objective being, to escape slaughter. We will not expose you. We will not attempt to marshal you. We place no restrictions on you because we know you are faithful and that you can be trusted.
Our main objective is to instill one standard of courage which all must reach. Therefore, friends: we commission you to incline your ear and then give of your voice; to be constantly on the qui vive in ascertaining our common foe’s attendants, their aids-di-camp, their door-keepers, their sentries, their modus operandi, and that you inform us of these things. Our only demand: Be subtle!
Be subtle!
You are The Garrison through which The Tame, still held in the bondage of much violence, will succor the victory of escape and of life itself, or suffer the defeat of injury and very literal death - by the strong hand of an exceeding persuasive oppressor.
We are great in our strengths and gaining in number. Those who shelter our soldiers, those who keep us well provisioned, those who support us, morally, financially, spiritually and in every thinkable way, are identifiable by insignia – a Purple ribbon worn on their baggage or on their persons.
Our soldiers; whether Humans Born Wild or the Tame Gone Feral, wear the insignia in their hair or sport a thin braid of hair, dyed Purple.
I am Purple Van Winkle and on behalf of my Sovereign I say…
To the Garrison: Sleepers Awake!; Closed eyes; Open! See!; Deaf ears; Hear!; Closed mouths; Grow tongues! Give word.
To the Tame: Go Feral.
To my Wild Humans and my Feral: Wear it as ever you will but take up the Purple.
To the slaves and prisoners: Escape them! Come to us! Do not go back!
To all: In War: Resolution. In Defeat: Defiance. In Victory: Magnanimity. In Peace: Good Will.
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